From time to time, I think that a life without facing challenges and overcoming them is an incomplete experience. We as the Department of Industrial Design have experienced so many challenges with the whole world especially last two years and I am personally honored to have overcome these hard times with successful graduates of 2020-2021 Academic Year. Any university, any department with most and even the best of the facilities, staff, and offerings can only be considered to be half. I must say that the other half, complementing a qualitative whole are qualified students. Looking at our 2021 graduates one by one, I see professionally equipped qualified personalities who will continue to contribute to our vision of becoming one of the most prestigious centers in the world in terms of design education, design research, and design practice with their future successes. As our “Blossom” theme of this year expresses very well, with their graduation I also believe that we will witness blooming of much better life styles flourishing in this challenging world. While congratulating and extending my best wishes to all, I’d like to remind them that İzmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Design will ever stay as their permanent address. Have a nice personal and professional life.
Asst. Prof. Dr. A. Can ÖZCAN Department Head of Industrial Design

Alara Ayraç

Ata Güngör

Beste Dinçel

Burcu Paksoy

Cansın Dağlı

Cemre Seyfioğlu

Ceren Kılıç

Çağla Su Tanılı

Deniz Ezgi Tatlı

Dilay İlhan

Egemen Göker

Erk Türkel

Ezgi Dünyaadamı

Furkan Ergenç

Görkem Er

İpek Oral

İrem Baran

Kaan Kut

Melike Şavk

Melis Aydın

Nilay Çoban

Övül Ceyda Eralp

Sedef Betül Gül

Sena İrem Koca

Sıla Aleyna Özden

Yağmur Sargın

Zeynep Uyanık