Khareedon is a movie that deals with the good and bad aspects of civilizations' wars and struggles for life through two commanders who are in competition with each other. Mr. Smith who is an intelligent and resourceful commander from the Colonial planets in outer space, trapped in a desolate border outpost like Earth, and Mr. Reinhold, who has an oppressed past, survived the trap mission sent by Smith on the planet Khareedon and struggling for life of his army and himself. The film reveals the contrast between the nature and nurture, also the relationship between geography and human, through natural and artificial structures, destiny and will motifs. Smith's house represents style of the Colonies, almost exporting the lifestyle of the Colonies to the world. While reflecting the cold, robotic and modern lifestyle of the Colonial people in 24th century with its ultra-minimalist structure and Avant-garde furniture, it also contains antique textures that reflects Smith's special taste of decoration.