This year, together with our dear students and valuable instructors, we have prepared a digital catalog which meets the requirements of the digital age. We present to you, a digital catalog with two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of graduation projects and videos related to projects prepared by approximately 200 students who will graduate from our faculty this year. In this digital catalog, as well as to exhibit our students’ graduation projects, we provide their portfolios to be shared simultaneously in the professional platforms in Turkey and the world. In this way, we also ensure the promotion of the works of our Faculty and our students. We have determined the theme of our exhibition and catalog this year as "Blossom". The main reason of this decision was the hope symbolized by our newly graduated students after a year with difficulties and unknowns for the whole world. We see our students who have graduated from the departments of our faculty as blossoms that give us hope. We selected the concept of blossom and the act of growing and blooming it symbolizes to express both the world’s progress for the better and the transition of the new generation designer candidates to the professional world. At the same time, we would like to remind the new generations that the flowers of design profession will grow in İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design and express the power of this institution in raising new design generations. While creating the visual identity of the “Blossom” concept, which we determined based on the concept of bud and blooming, we prepared a flower image to be used for FFAD and all main visuals. In addition, we used 5 different flower patterns in the colors we determined for the departments in order to emphasize the design education that consists of 5 design departments of FFAD and which are intertwined with each other. On Tuesday, July 13th, we are opening our digital catalog to exhibit with a digital fashion show. In this way, we realize the Graduation Exhibition and Graduation Fashion Show, which we hold traditionally every year, on a brand new platform that is accessible to everyone. I congratulate all our students and alumni on behalf of the IUE Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, and wish them success in their education and professional life.
Prof. Dr. Ender YAZGAN BULGUN Fine Arts and Design Faculty, Dean

Dear Students

Fashion Show

Our Team